Our January Round-Up

New year. New ambition. New creative.
Creating innovative content in an evolving digital landscape is understandably a major challenge! Let’s take a look at some of January’s most compelling creative content.

The Top 5

1. Redbull

What’s that sound? Don’t worry, it’s just the entire REDTORCH office applauding Redbull’s creative team.
Redbull break new ground and deliver exceptional content yet again. It’s refreshing to witness sports under-represented in mainstream media gain recognition.

2. Fab Rugby

We’re always looking for new ways to present table standings and their movements over the season.
Fab Rugby‘s intuitive approach to displaying the shift in position so far over the course of the Gallagher Premiership rugby season acts as a great example. However many times I watch, I remain hypnotised!

3. Golden State Warriors

Sometimes, it feels as if our friends across the pond have always been one step ahead in mastering their social media delivery. To make the case, why not join in as people around the world gear up for this Sunday’s Super Bowl?
It’s not just our NFL friends that manage to capture international audiences through their digital marketing. Announcing line-ups can be a mundane task. Done on a weekly basis, it becomes a repetitive process so it’s important to create excitement around every event.
Golden State Warriors reign supreme in the social sphere.  This old school approach generates that buzz we’re always looking for.

4. Bristol Bears

Driving fan engagement is notoriously hard. Something also very, very challenging? Using humour effectively with your audience.
Bristol Bears unite the two. We love their approach to the announcement that Alapati Leiua is penning a new 2-year deal for the most recent Gallagher Premiership arrivals.

5. The Davis Cup

2019 is the year to bring humanity and a personalised touch back into your digital marketing and the #ShowYourColours campaign exhibits this perfectly.
The Davis Cup generates excitement on a global scale. A distinctly inclusive environment is created, enabling numerous diverse audiences to get behind their national team.

We’re only one month into 2019 and have already seen new, innovative ways to deliver content and build anticipation for sporting events on a global scale.
The question on everybody’s lips? What can we expect over the next 11 months?
Stay tuned.