Redtorch is proud to introduce our new Digital Insight Analyst Tom.

What attracted you to Redtorch?
The opportunity to combine Data, Social Media and Sport seems like the perfect trifecta for my skills & interests.
What’s the best project you’ve ever worked on?
Certainly my Degree. Three years boring Maths (which I love) and getting to graduate in front of my Grandfather.
Why do you love Data & Insights?
It satisfies my mind to get to the bottom of data and understand its meaning to the fullest.
How do you spend your spare time?
Going to gigs, watching films and spending way too long on my Fantasy Football team.
What’s your greatest sporting achievements?
Kewstoke Athletic under 15’s top assister.
If you could play one sport for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Tennis – maybe then I’d be any good at it.
Name three items you’d take to a deserted island.
1. Helicopter
2. Helicopter Pilot
3. Something to read on the flight home

Alex Ross
I'm a sport-obsessed film lover with a passion for evidence-based marketing. I'm proud to own an agency that's become one of the most trusted in world sport.
My most memorable sporting moment is …
Spectating: Liverpool beating AC Milan in 2005 to win the UEFA Champions League.
I am happiest when …
With family.
The sports person that best represents me is …
Frederik Fetterlein (Danish Tennis player... worth a google).
The three things at the top of my bucket list are …
1. Complete an Ironman for the charity MIND
2. Learn a (new) language
3. Work with the NFL
A quote I try to live my life by is …
"Life is as good as the memories you make."