The podcast all about great sports campaigns by the people who made them.

#SportOnCreative is dedicated entirely to the creativity of sports campaigns aimed at those working in the industry.

Each episode features an expert discussing their favourite campaign: how they made it, what worked, what didn’t, and what we can learn from their experience.

In Episode 2 we meet Andrew Bloch – founder of Andrew Bloch & Associates, co-founder of PR agency Frank, and official PR adviser to Lord Alan Sugar.

In the interview, Andrew shares his passion for making athlete sponsorship more interesting, something he believes many in the industry miss the mark on.

Andrew provides insights into the ingenious campaign that saw snooker legend Jimmy White change his name to Jimmy Brown for HP Sauce, breaking the mould for athlete endorsements.

Here are our key takeaways from Episode 2:


Brand values must be at the heart of the campaign

“We kind of ripped up the brief, looked at the values of the brand, a Great British brand. The brand letters HP actually stand for Houses of Parliament, and it was created over a hundred years ago. So we started to explore British territories and we landed on the sport of snooker.”

Push the boundaries

“I’ve always been a fan of challenging briefs… We weren’t sure the client was going to go for it. It was a really competitive pitch process, and I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time. Because we were sort of challenging a brief, we didn’t know whether they would respond to that challenge. But they actually loved this concept.”

Make people think about you

“The brief was how do we get people consuming more HP Sauce? … Actually, the key to it is making the brand front of mind. If you think about HP Sauce, you’re much more likely to consume HP Sauce”

Great creativity leads to great marketing effectiveness

“Most importantly, it impacted the sales of HP sauce.  You know, I’m a great believer that all creativity has to have a commercial outcome and for a brand that you know… had pretty static sales, they don’t really see year-on-year growth… this was the first uplift in sales I think they’d seen for many years.”

Your logo doesn’t have to be everywhere

“What was quite clever was that it didn’t really reference the brand, that the link was intrinsic which is the key with any sort of sports endorsement. So, the key to this was really generating noise and PR around it.”

Want to learn even more about the magic behind this campaign and how it came to life? Listen to #SportOnCreative Episode 2 now.

For more campaign insights you can watch the show here or listen to the podcast on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon

To contactSportOnCreative or call 07989 514 912.

Redtorch is an award-winning research, digital and creative agency trusted by the biggest names in world sport.