The International Olympic Committee (IOC) co-launched the UN Sports for Climate Action Framework in 2018. It has now committed to reducing 50% of the IOC’s direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and is asking everyone in the Olympic Movement to join them.

Redtorch made a conscious decision in 2022 to measure and reduce its carbon emissions as part of its commitment to the Olympic Movement – read our pledge here. We also stated, ‘for the purposes of transparency, we will report our impact publicly,’ so please find our latest report here.

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve made progress. Our key data point – emissions per employee – has seen a reduction from 1.28tCO2e (tonnes of carbon emissions per employee) in 2022 to 1.23tCO2e in 2023. Our overall company emissions have also been cut from 25.55tCO2e to 20.97tCO2e over the same period.

As expected, key contributors to our carbon footprint have been:

  • Flights and Eurostar
    • 2023: 33.95%
    • 2022: 48.46%
  • Employee commute
    • 2023: 23.56%
    • 2022: 21.43%
  • Electronic equipment
    • 2023: 16.45%
    • 2022: 7.35%

Collectively, these made up 74% (vs 77% in 2022) of our total carbon footprint in 2023.

“It’s really encouraging to see the progress we are making”, says Jonny Murch, Redtorch CEO. “We know some carbon emissions are unavoidable, and we will offset these to achieve ‘net zero’ status as we remain committed to identifying ways of reducing them in the future.”

Redtorch is a bespoke and fully independent Research, Content & Creative Agency working to make sport more relevant. Click here to find out more about our work.