
1. Provide consumer insight to inform product (helmet) design for a new audience segment

2. Generate actionable insight to inform how and where Bell Helmets markets to consumers


Bell Helmets identified a new and growing audience category in the helmet market. Consumer insight from 6 key markets across Europe and Asia-Pacific was required to inform strategic decisions about product (helmet) design, and the marketing strategy to deliver long-term growth for the brand.


We needed a hypothesis about this new audience segment and to test it at scale to produce robust consumer insight to meet the project aims.

Our mixed methodology used two approaches: firstly, we designed a phased research framework to record existing assumptions and gather primary qualitative data.

This consisted of interviewing key members of Bell Sports staff to understand the research insight required by each department. This informed our brief and research programme design, including qualitative and quantitative research techniques.

Subsequently, we conducted in-depth interviews with 12 people (spanning all six key markets) that matched the target audience to understand their current transport behaviour, unmet needs, and motivations around mobility and helmet requirements.

This qualitative insight was used for the second approach of creating the survey. The purpose of the survey was to test the consensus across all markets and provide proof at scale. An online survey (translated for each key non-English-speaking market) was designed to understand audience motivations, attitudes and consumer behaviours in relation to the market and Bell products.



Interviews with consumers
from 6 markets


Survey completions


Audience segments created


100 page Research Report


In-person client workshop
to discuss key findings


Online workshop to summarise findings
to Bell Helmet’s senior management

Working with Bell Helmets further positions Redtorch as a go-to agency in the world of Cycling.
Chris Argyle-RobinsonResearch & Strategy DirectorRedtorch

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