WADA #OnePlayTrueTeam

Redtorch help WADA smash a Play True Day record

Find out how Redtorch helped WADA achieve incredible results with their #OnePlayTrueTeam campaign…

Five things I’ve learnt about Sports Marketing

See sports marketing through fresh eyes. Postgraduate student Tash Coyle shares what she learnt…

#SportOnCreative Episode 2

Five Things We Learned From #SportOnCreative Episode 2

#SportOnCreative is a monthly podcast series all about great sports campaigns by the people who…

The Masters

The Masters (of marketing)

If you work in marketing, you should analyse The Masters. Golf’s version of Wimbledon: a throwback…

#SportOnSocial 2023 - Volleyball

What you should know about social media to stay relevant with fans

Chris Argyle-Robinson, Research & Strategy Director at Redtorch, highlights some of the key…

UCI and Redtorch talk #SportOnSocial on the SportsPro podcast

UCI and Redtorch team up for SportsPro podcast

Redtorch CEO Jonny Murch and UCI Digital Transformation Executive Adrien de Cheveigné talk all…

International Federation of Sport Climbing

International Federation of Sport Climbing record largest growth on Facebook in #SportOnSocial 2023

We interviewed Marco Vettoretti - Head of Communications for the International Federation of Sport…

International Ice Hockey Federation

How geotargeting helped IIHF increase Facebook engagements by 163%

We interviewed International Ice Hockey Federation's Marketing & Communications Director Shelby…

World Aquatics #SportOnSocial 2023

World Aquatics tops Facebook in the #SportOnSocial League Table 2023

We interviewed World Aquatics' Digital Manager Luca Fasani to uncover how they topped this year's…

World Athletics #SportOnSocial 2023

How World Athletics took Twitter by storm in the #SportOnSocial League Table

We interviewed World Athletics' Head of Digital Media Laura Arcoleos to uncover how they topped…

7 creative tips for producing top-performing sport on social

We interviewed Volleyball World's Digital Content Manager Ace Asas to uncover how they topped this…